Virtual Laser Lab: Online Simulation of Laser-Matter Interaction


Our enthusiastic group consists of individuals from different areas. We are working for Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS:

  • Dr. Mikhail E. Povarnitsyn: idea and code development.
  • Prof. Nikolay E. Andreev: theoretical models.
  • Dr. Pavel R. Levashov: two-temperature multiphase wide-range equations of state, EOS library.
  • Dr. Konstantin V. Khishchenko: two-temperature multiphase wide-range equations of state, EOS library.
  • Dr. Mikhail E. Veysman: transport properties, ionization models.
  • Dr. Oleg F. Kostenko: transport properties, permittivity and conductivity models, ionization models.
  • Alexey S. Zakharenkov: web programming.